How many live in your community?
Need to know / FAQ
The point is safety through awareness.
To protect and prevent anyone else from ever being hurt by a known, convited offender.
- A single mother on a dating site.
- Maybe it’s going well, maybe she wants to meet her match…
- A quick search on our website successfully protects both her and her child from the risk of becoming the next victim of a convicted offender who has hurt others before.
Our website lists domestic violence offenders, sex offenders and child abusers; all 3 are real and present dangers to her.
Many offenders are repeat offenders.
There are hundreds of court cases, nationwide, every single day. Many get reported on by various news outlets but, even with those, the vast majority get lost like a needle in a haystack. We want to stop that happening.
We want to provide a one-stop-shop, a simple solution, and compile a list of every convicted offender we can in one place.
Knowing can save lives.
NOTE: OFFENDERS EXPOSED does not condone vigilante action! We provide this information to prevent further violence and abuse.
Yes. You can click any of the above logos to be taken to their respective articles, or you can click one of the links below.
- A Current Affair/9News (video) –
- Courier Mail –
- Daily Mail Australia –
- Express Digest –
Yes we do.
We currently expose over 5000 convicted offenders from all across Australia from both rural and urban areas. We have tried to have a fairly even coverage across the states and territories, so far.
Four main reasons:
- To raise money to put towards various charities, foundations and projects that assist and support survivors of abuse. Our website is designed to be a preventative, but we also wish to use our efforts to help past victims of abuse, too.
- To weed out children and those under 18. We think it’s important children are aware, too, but we don’t want children to get unsupervised access to some of the horrific offences found on this website. By requiring a payment method (credit card) it helps prevent children from accessing this site without permission from parents.
- To keep this website operational. We are a small, 2-person team without any financial backing from any investors. This began as a personal project in our spare time (see below) and we use a small amount to cover operational expenses.
- To grow OFFENDERS EXPOSED, further. We have a lot we hope to achieve (see below for our future plans) including accepting tip-offs from the public and even growing to a point where our very existence (and the fear of being so publicly exposed) will dissuade offenders.
We believe our government should have already done this (and there was talk among politicians a number of years ago) but they haven’t. So we are doing it ourselves; with your help.
Originally it was just a Facebook page called “Offenders Exposed”
10 years ago we knew a young girl who was a victim of child abuse at the hands of her step-father and she asked us to be witnesses in her court case. He had been charged with 7 counts of indecent assault but, by the end, 3 years later, 5 charges had been dropped and he was found guilty in only 2 cases. To top it off, the case was suppressed; the details hidden from the general public.
There were many things we witnessed throughout that trial that we believe were wrong.
The very next day we created a Facebook page to expose the offenders of Australia. We didn’t believe it was right that so many convicted offenders can so easily re-offend simply because they fly under the radar and no-one knows.
7 years, 2 Facebook pages, 10,000+ listed offenders, 150k followers, hundreds of threats of violence and lawsuits later; we realised we needed a better, more user-friendly way for people to easily access everything.
So we created this website as a search engine and a one-stop-shop so people can simply type in their suburb and ‘boom’; no more flying under the radar for offenders.
Facebook indefinitely suspended our admin access.
We grew our (2nd) Facebook page to over 150,000 followers but, with innumerable reports and complaints from the offenders for having their convictions made so public, Facebook eventually shut us down.
It was the 2nd time we’d been burned at the mercy of Facebook and we learned our lesson.
- Here, our website, is safe, legal and by the book in everything we do. We will not be suppressed.
- We have also branched out to other social media platforms and would appreciate you following and sharing our posts there. (See below for links to each)
UPDATE: We created a new Facebook page –
Since Facebook indefinitely suspended admin access to our old Facebook page we have learned not to put all our eggs in one basket. We now post across multiple social media platforms.
Please follow and share our content to help us spread awareness.
- Old Facebook Page* –
- Tiktok –
- Twitter –
- Youtube –
- Instagram –
*Although we’re not able to post to our old Facebook page, any more, there are still thousands of posts to scroll through if you would like to have a look.
In the short-term: We are focusing on getting more offenders listed here and, bit-by-bit, upgrading the website to make it better. We are also trying to spread awareness that this website even exists and appreciate your help in doing so. (See social media links above)
In the long-term: We want to become a household name, a known service to help prevent further victims of repeat offenders; it’s hard to find new victims and re-offend if everyone knows who you are. We want to work together with others to innovate new ideas and initiatives that can further help, or help prevent, victims of abuse. We want to post blogs and tips on prevention, common red flags to see it coming and get out of there, provide resources for those needing help, fund awareness events and protection schemes and promote businesses that specialise in helping victims of abuse. (e.g. A removalist who also provides ‘muscle’ for those who are trying to pack their belongings and escape domestically violent relationships)
We have even talked about doing a similar thing in other countries but we’re focusing on Australia, first.
Tell your friends about us.
Right now we’re working on adding more and more convicted offenders to our database and that is our top priority, but we also need help spreading the word and getting people aware that this resource even exists.
Become a Guardian, follow us on social media, share our content, tell your friends and family and help more people avoid going blind into dangerous situations that could have been avoided with a quick search.
In the future we’ll be looking for volunteers to help us in other ways but, for now, we just need to get the word out.
Most importantly: Thank you so much for your support!
Your contribution will save a lot of pain for a lot of people.